Hi Cliff!
Thank you for reading and taking the trouble to post such a hefty comment. Much appreciated! :)
Your ideas are no doubt very valuable, however, in the short format of a social media comment, they come across as unnecessarily judgemental and based on a set of assumptions of your own.
Forgive me if I refrain from launching myself in refutations. I always try to stay away from opinionating unless either I am sure to have read the full blast of papers and resources on a certain subject, or I clearly state that I am expressing a mere opinion, and not an empirically or academically founded argument.
One last thing: Where you seem to be holding agility (and I suppose Scrum) as dependent on leadership, my experience tends to tell me the opposite, viz., that organizational agility is intimately interwoven with a sense of decency and good citizenship among its practitioners, QED.
Thank you again for your engagement! Hope to see more of you in this space!