Oct 25, 2023
37 stories
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Notes about perfectionism and the limits of meritocracy, with thoughts on parenting in a meritocratic environment
Introduction to exformation, with sample of an exformative workshop, presented at #RSD11, the 11th annual symposium of the Systemic Design Association
On the use of tessellations as a learning device in a classroom setting
The art of invisible facilitation, as taught by Yoshi Oida.
Challenges and opportunities with hybrid workshop facilitation. Workshop notes from Jakarta.
Reflections on Lumbung - as introduced by the arts and design collective ruangrupa (Jakarta) at documenta fifteen, Kassel 2022.
About the need for educational reform. On Paolo Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed - and ways to overcome the conundrum. With thoughts from the works of Tay Khen Soon, Bruce Mau, Tony Fry, Rabindranath Tagore, and more.
On The Pedagogy of the Oppressed (Paolo Freire) and the need for change in our approach to education.
AIP (Absence, Ignorance, Presence) - an exformative model to create awareness, in case, awareness about the oppressive legacy in education.
A reflective and introspective story about learning engagement.
Kishotenketsu and more lessons for facilitators, taken from narratology, manga, and anime.
Forgiveness as a feature in educational design.
Desire lines in educational design.
Selection games - and their use in the classroom.
Playful learning, with perspectives from different continents.
Playful learning as practiced in the Philippines.
About the importance of education and learning.
About learning-on-the-go, and the futility of acquired knowledge and skills when circumstances change.
Reflections of the art of doubt, the unknown, and unknowability. With inspiration from Indian and Buddhist philosophy.