Francis Laleman

Nov 28, 2024

47 stories

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This list is an inquiry into what it takes for us to lead meaningful lives and be happy human beings.

On emptiness, impermanence, clinging, release, and the eightfold path: How to heal yourself from anxiety, suffering and feeling loss of control.
Notes about perfectionism and the limits of meritocracy, with thoughts on parenting in a meritocratic environment
Triggered by an art show at the Singapore Design Centre: on perfectionism, the limits of meritocracy, and a theory of perfections in Buddhist paramita literature.
On being less than perfect in a world obsessed with healthist and ageist paradigms
A brief manifesto for taking one's life in one's own hands - and being an 'activist' on the road to happiness and freedom.
An exploration of meaning, with stopovers in Taoism, Buddhism, the Chāndogyopaniṣad, the Nāsadīya Sūkta from Rigveda, and Martin Heidegger's concept of aletheia.
If everybody can draw and paint, then everybody can write. A brief essay on walking and writing as a lifestyle.
Francis Laleman

Francis Laleman

Book Author

a husband, father, painter, writer, educationist, designer, facilitator. author of “Resourceful Exformation” (a book on facilitation) available from Amazon.