Thank you for these most valuable suggestions, Tobias. They contribute a great deal to this topic. Of course, you and I are on the same page with "empathy" vs "compassion" - the latter of which is a key concept in the tiratana of Buddhist practice, that I have referred to in my review of Rama's workshop here.
Understandably, "empathy" is the standard first word taken from the design thinking process. In fact, in his workshop, Rama shared how his team had gone through the semantics of the model and they had concluded to stop because going through the semantics can keep one going on and on. You and I share a background in the Agile movement - another world suffering form a fair deal of semantic brouhaha. And we know how the Scrum community reacted when the word "accountabilities" popped up in the Scrum Guide ... :)
So yes, I do believe that Rama means compassion, which is illustrated by his referencing the Caroline Casey story.
I am with you on the leadership issue as well. Leadership implies followership, where citizenship implies a sense of community, cooperation, and collaboration - another set of three C's that gets so nicely subsumed in the bigger C of citizenship itself.
Then, look:
Creative Citizenship:
compassion, clarity, creativity
community, cooperation, collaboration